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Britch basket adapter
Britch front or rear universal bicycle rack
Clamp section Britch v2
DoggyRide Cocoon on Britch
DoggyRide Cocoon Pet Carrier XL
DoggyRide Cocoon Pet Travel Carrier
DoggyRide Cocoon with rack adapter
DoggyRide Joey trailer/car
DoggyRide Mini cabin with wheels
DoggyRide Mini hondenfietskar
DoggyRide Mini dog bike trailer 2020
DoggyRide Mini hondenbuggy
DoggyRide Mini Jogger-stroller
DoggyRide Mini on Britch Lite
DoggyRide Mini on Brritch
DoggyRide Novel 15 cabin
DoggyRide Novel cabin with wheels
DoggyRide Novel hondenfietskar
DoggyRide Novel honden jogger-buggy
DoggyRide Novel hondenbuggy
DoggyRide Novel on Britch Lite
DoggyRide Novel tariler on Britch
DoggyRide Novel10 hondenfietskar
DoggyRide Novel15 dog bike trailer
DoggyRide Original cabin with wheels
DoggyRide Original hondenfietskar
DoggyRide Original hondenbuggy
DoggyRide Original jogger/hondenbuggy
DutchDog Britch univeral rack with 2 side frames
DutchDog TakeOut pizzaa/meal delivery bag on Britch
Kickwheel for Britch tow arm
Novel15 Jogger-Stroller
Rack adapter
Set of Britch side frames
Tow arm for Britch (Lite)

Unique platform supported pet bicycle basket and carrier

The cozy Cocoon is your small dog’s new urban retreat. The Cocoon can be attached to the front or rear of your bicycle as a bicycle basket, and once safely positioned on the Britch or rack adapter, your dog can have a front row seat for all of the adventuring that lies ahead. Or, take an afternoon road trip up a winding highway as car seat or even much farther adventure as in cabin airline carrier.

The bicycle connection of the carrier is unique as it platform supported, which is necessary for any pooch over 8 lbs. Also the Britch as a bicycle frame extension does not move with the handlebar, which ensure a stable ride.

  • Cocoon with Rack adapter - bicycle basket connects to existing bicycle rack, front or rear


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